Pronouns: she/her/hers

New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
Surrogacy, Assisted Reproduction, LGBTQ Parentage, and Adoption Law

Birth Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day has a bittersweet meaning for me, making me reflect on how I became a parent through adoption. My [...]

2016-03-27T21:13:25-04:00May 8, 2015|Categories: Adoption Attorney, Adoptive Parents, Birth Mother|Comments Off on Birth Mother’s Day

Adoption: Birth Mother’s Bill of Rights

I want to share a birth mother's bill of rights which I have developed over 25 years as an adoption [...]

2018-01-03T10:18:37-05:00Mar 1, 2015|Categories: Adoption Attorney, Birth Mother|Comments Off on Adoption: Birth Mother’s Bill of Rights

The Ten Commandments of Private Adoption

Over the course of 25 years as an adoption attorney, I have found myself repeating the following ten commandments of [...]

2018-08-20T15:56:25-04:00Feb 17, 2015|Categories: Adoption Attorney, Adoptive Parents|Comments Off on The Ten Commandments of Private Adoption

Adoption and Surrogacy Highlights 2014

Here are some of the adoption and surrogacy highlights in my law practice this year: A model open adoption in [...]

2018-01-03T10:18:38-05:00Dec 23, 2014|Categories: Adoption Attorney, Adoptive Parents, Birth Mother, Open Adoption, Surrogacy, Assisted Reproduction, Fertility|Comments Off on Adoption and Surrogacy Highlights 2014

Honored as Family’s Adoption Attorney

The faces of her family and friends beamed as I walked down the aisle of the sanctuary holding the Torah [...]

2018-01-03T10:18:38-05:00Dec 8, 2014|Categories: Adoption Attorney, Adoptive Parents|Comments Off on Honored as Family’s Adoption Attorney
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