Dr. Nancy Snyderman posted this photo of herself with her newborn adoptive daughter at the TODAY Show link below.

My husband and I sat on the edge of our bed crying together this morning as we watched the TODAY Show’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman and her adoptive daughter Kate meet Kate’s birth mother after 27 years. The open-heartedness of both mothers is an astonishing tribute to the love in adoption which transcends ego and time. Both Kate and Dr. Nancy understood that Kate’s quest to find her birth family could, as they put it, “open a Pandora’s box,” but Kate determinedly continued her search. As an adoptive parent and an adoption attorney since 1986, I have had the privilege of knowing many birth mothers, all very brave. Some have gone on to live full and productive lives like Cheryl, Kate’s birth mother, while others have struggled. Adopted young people and their families need to be willing and able to face the possibility that meeting a birth mother could be very painful if she is in dire straits. In most adoptions in my law practice, adoptive children know their birth mother’s identity, and adoptive and birth families stay in touch over the years, typically through email and texts, answering so many questions for everyone. Thanks to Dr. Nancy and Kate for opening their hearts and showing all of us that adoption is a beautiful and loving way to become a family.

