Over the next two weeks, I will blog about and tweet excerpts from workshops on adoption in New Jersey and New York, which I will be presenting at the Annual Adoption Conference of the Adoptive Parents Committee, November 23, 2014, www.adoptiveparents.org.

Definition of Private and Agency Adoption in New Jersey and New York

Private adoption does not involve an agency. There are two types of agency adoption. In a direct placement, the agency locates the birth mother. In an identified agency adoption, the adoptive parents locate the birth mother and proceed with the adoption through the agency.

Nationwide Search for Baby

New Jersey and New York residents can do a nationwide search for a baby, including attempts in their state. After finding the baby in almost any state, they can decide the best method of adoption. New Jersey and New York residents usually will need to adopt the baby in their state of residence because most courts will not take jurisdiction over adoptions by out-of-state residents. Sometimes New Jersey and New York residents can take advantage of the more favorable laws in other states. The most practical and effective approach is to focus on finding a baby available for adoption and then to figure out the best way to adopt him or her.

Qualification as Adoptive Parent in New Jersey and New York

New Jersey adoptive parents should obtain a preadoptive homestudy by a licensed New Jersey agency. An additional requirement under New York law is preadoptive certification by the New York Family or Surrogate’s Court. As the first step in the certification process, the adoptive parents should have a homestudy done by a licensed social worker or adoption agency. In addition, the adoptive parents must file a petition for certification with the court. After a baby is placed for adoption with the adoptive parents, they must undergo a post-placement homestudy.